Sunday, November 9, 2014

Perfect the Pesky Pirouette

Pirouettes are one of the most iconic dance moves. Every dancer can use these tips to perfect and nail your pirouettes every time!

  • Increase core strength. Tight tummy muscles are essential for keeping your balance and landing your pirouette with finesse. Getting and maintaining a cut core will make turning infinitely easier. The rest of the body stems from your core, so its strength is necessary for exceptional pirouetting.
  • Balance, Balance, Balance. The key to whipping out multiple turns is in your ability to balance. Practice standing on releve while going about your daily business. Cooking dinner? Perfect time to see how long you can hold your posse. The more you practice your balancing the more muscle memory you'll  build. Good muscle memory makes turning a breeze.
  • SPOT! Perhaps the most important piece of turning is knowing where you are. Spotting (looking at the same spot for as long as possible) will lessen dizziness and help you stay in sync with your fellow dancers. Also remember to keep your eyes up. If you're looking at the ground, that's where you'll end up.
  • Use your plie! A proper preparation is necessary for a clean turn. Utilize a wide base of support when preparing. You should push off your back leg to achieve a high releve and the momentum needed to complete however many turns you want to do.
  • Don't psych yourself out. When you are going for a turn make sure you commit. Let the only option in your mind be perfect pirouettes. Don't worry about gravity pulling you to the floor. Focus only on the perfect, and that's what you'll get!