Choreographing is a great way to push your artistic limits and have fun in the process. Sometimes it's difficult to get started or you find yourself at a loss for new ideas. Try these different strategies to charge up your brain and create beautifully interesting movement!
- Create the movement first. This type of choreographing is great if you know the intention you want the dance you are creating to exude. Don't even bother turning on music. Link movements in an interesting way then add the music later. This choreographing strategy is fun because you get to adjust the tempo and accents of movement you already love.
- Move to the words or music. Sometimes it is difficult to create movement without an idea of the music you like. Put on the song you're feeling especially inspired by and try creating by focusing only on the rhythm of words in the music. You can then switch it up and make more fluid movements that reflect the instrumental undertones of the song. This strategy is a great way to play with and improve your musicality.
- Improvisation. Sometimes it is easier to just shut off your analytical brain and let your body move itself. By freestyling you can figure out what feels good on a body. Be aware of the steps you are doing so that you can solidify and recreate them later. This is bound to make your piece unique and exciting.
- Dance with a friend! Sometimes just having another body in the studio (or your living room) with you makes it easier. Together you can bounce ideas off one another. Choreography tends to come easy when you have another person right there giving you input.
Try these choreographing strategies and tell us your favorite way to choreograph!
There are some super cool products out there for dancers! This week we bring you some gift ideas for your dancer this holiday season.
Hanging Cosmetic Dance Bag (Find it here) This bag is perfect for all your competition needs. You can conveniently store shoes, cosmetics, and costumes in one place. This reduces the risk of things being forgotten on competition day.

- Rhinestone Earrings to match their solo costume! (Find it here) Dancers love these sparkly pieces. Why not add some spice to their solo costume!
- The I-FLEX (Find it here) This incredible tool comes in adult and junior sizes. It allows you to safely stretch at home with proper hip, shoulder, and back alignment. Any dancer would be ecstatic to open this up this holiday season.
- Music Box with Ballerina (Find it here) Every dancer, young and old, should have a music box at some point in their life. It is a classic gift that can be passed down to their children.
- Footsie Roller (Find it here) Nothing feels better than rolling out your arches before and after a good dance class. The footsie roller is a great addition to any dancer's dance bag, and their feet will thank you for it.